Japanese Courses Outline


Japanese Language, Culture Education

International Center provides following the Japanese courses. To see general information for each course, please refer to the tables below:

1. Target Students of Each Course

Target Students  Zengaku(University-wide) Japanese
Language Course
Intensive Basic
Japanese Course
General Education
Japanese Language 1-8
Japanese Culture Ⅰ-Ⅳ
International Students
Attendable Unattendable Attendable
International Students
(Doctoral Program: MA/PhD)
Attendable Attendable*  Unattantdable**
International Students
(Research Student)
Attendable Attendable*  Unattantdable**
International Researchers Attendable Attendable*  Unattantdable**
Family of the above Attendable Unattendable Unattendable
International Students Enrolling in
Preparatory Program for
Graduate Course
Attendable* Attendable Attendable*

* There are some conditions for registering these course. Please consult with the coodinator of each courses.
** General Education subjects are basically open only for undergraduate students.
In case you wish to attend the classes, please consult with the coordinator of the course.

2. Level of Each Couse
Please see this class level chart.

3. Class Hours

Zengaku(University-wide) Japanese Language Course Intensive Basic
Japanese Course
Class per a week 2 classes 12~15 classes
Total Hours

30 hours

about 380~400 hours