

【Second Application Period】JASSO Student Support Aid (Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies)
(July 6, 2020)

※Those students who submitted their application during the first application period (submission due on June 9, 2020) and received the aid are not eligible to apply for this time.

Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies (JASSO Student Support Aid) has been funded by the Government of Japan. This financial aid is provided for qualified students who self-support their education by their part-time work income and are in hardship to continue their higher education because of severe reduction of income caused by the COVID-19 spread.
If you would like to apply for this financial aid, please process your application by the following guidelines below.

* 非正規生(研究生、交換留学生等)は対象となりません。
Non-regular students (e.g., research students, exchange students) are not eligible for this aid.


以下のすべてを満たす留学生/International students qualified all the requirements below
① 家庭から多額の仕送りがない。
Students are not receiving a large amount of allowance/financial support from their family.
② 原則として自宅外で生活している。
Students are not residing in their family’s house or residing with their family without family’s financial support
③ 生活費・学費に占めるアルバイト収入の割合が高い。
Students’ expenses for living and education are mainly supported by their part-time work income.
④ 両親のいずれかの収入減少等により、追加的支援が期待できない。
Students cannot expect any additional support from parents because of their income reduction.
⑤ コロナ感染症の影響でアルバイト収入が大幅に減少(前月比50%以上)している。
Income from part-time work has reduced more than 50% compared with the previous month due to the spread of COVID-19.
⑥ 前年度の成績評価係数が2.30以上である。
Students must have a JASSO GPA of 2.30 or more on the total credits obtained last year.
※ JASSOのGPA算出方法/ Method to calculate JASSO GPA (PDF)
⑦ 1ヶ月の出席率が8割以上である。
Monthly attendance rate must be 80% or higher.
⑧ 仕送りが平均月額90,000円以下である。
Monthly allowance (excluding payments for enrollment fee and tuition fee) should not exceed an average of 90,000 yen.
⑨ 在日している扶養者の年収が500万円未満である。
Annual income of the financial supporter residing in Japan should be less than 5 million yen.

【給付額/Amount of Payment】

100,000 yen or 200,000 yen
(Only students of households exempted from resident tax are applicable to the aid of 200,000 yen.)

【申請書類/Application Forms】

様式1記入例/Form 1 Sample (PDF), 説明入/English explanations (PDF)
様式2記入例/From 2 Sample (PDF)
様式3記入例/Form 3 Sample (PDF)
様式4記入例/ Form 4 Sample (PDF)

【提出期限/Submission Deadline】

令和2年 7月15日( 水 )必着【厳守】
Applications must reach to the office below no later than July 15, 2020.

【申請方法/Method of Submission】

レターパック/Letter Pack services
English: https://www.post.japanpost.jp/service/letterpack/index_en.html

Application must be submitted by mail. Please do not bring your application to the office.
The university do not accept any electrical submission.

【提出先/Place of Submission】

〒770-8502 徳島市南常三島町1丁目1番地
徳島大学 学務部 学生支援課 学生支援緊急給付金担当
電話:088-656-7111、088-656-4470 [平日9:00 – 17:00]

JASSO Student Support Aid, Student Support Division
Student Affairs Department, Tokushima University
1-1 Minamijosanjima-cho, Tokushima 770-8502
phone:088-656-7111、088-656-4470 [weekday 9:00 – 17:00]

【本学からの連絡方法/Contact from University】

The university office contact you by using the email address or phone number registered on the university’s “course management (Kyomu System)” web service. Please check your email regularly. If you missed a telephone call from the university office, make sure to call back to the office.

【注意/Important Note】

The aid money will be required to return if you have made a false description on this application.

【文部科学省ウェブサイト/MEXT Webpage】

「学びの継続」のための『学生支援緊急給付金』 ~ 学びの継続給付金 ~
JASSO Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies

If you have a question, please contact Student Support Section for International Affairs by e-mail.
Student Support Section for International Affairs(ryugakuk@tokushima-u.ac.jp)