11月21日(金曜日)16:30~18:00に、4号館 講義室201で
We will hold the seminer of job-hunting for International students at Lecture room No.201 in Building 4 on November 21, Friday.
「就職活動って何ですか?」 What is “Syusyoku-Katsudou“?
「どうすれば日本の会社に就職できますか?」 How could I get a position in Japanese Company?
「いつから就職活動を始めればいいですか?」 When shoud I begin job-hunting?
専門家がみなさんの質問に答えます。The specialist would answer your questions about job-hunting in Japan.
Please apply at International Office or reply if you join this seminar.
The attire is casual and free, we’d like you to come!