お知らせ Notice(July 4, 2022)
The university updated the COVID-19 related information and plans.
- 全キャンパスのBCPレベルは1を継続します。
The BCP level for the entire campus will remain 1.
- 海外渡航は、外務省が設定している感染症危険レベルにより、次のとおりです。
Overseas travel is permitted according to the infectious disease risk levels on the “MOFA’s Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases” set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as follows.
- レベル1:学部長・研究科長の判断により渡航を認めますが、不要不急の渡航(観光など)は自粛してください。
Level 1: Travel is permitted at the discretion of the dean or graduate school dean, but please refrain from any unnecessary travel (e.g., sightseeing).
- レベル2、3:渡航の必要性や渡航先の安全が確認でき、次の条件を満たす教育研究活動は、許可します。
Level 2 and 3: Permission will be granted if the need for travel and the safety of the destination country can be confirmed and the following conditions are met.
- 学部・研究科の海外留学プログラムによる留学または私費留学
Study abroad through an undergraduate/graduate study abroad program or privately funded study abroad
・The program must be an overseas study program based on an inter-university agreement on academic cooperation or other student exchange agreement.
・Privately-funded study abroad may also be permitted if the faculty/graduate school to which the student belongs to determines that it is equivalent to a study abroad program based on an inter-university exchange agreement.
- 私事渡航
Private travel
・The student himself/herself must have a strong desire to travel. (Excluding sightseeing).
・Permission from the student’s faculty/graduate school, consent of the guarantor, and consent of the institution to which the student will be traveling.
- 研究交流、学会発表等
Research Exchange, Conference Presentations
- Those participating in research exchanges based on inter-university exchange agreements, research surveys, or participation in international academic conferences, symposiums, and research meetings.
- Permission from the student’s faculty/graduate school, consent of the guarantor, and consent of the institution to which the student will be traveling.
- レベル4:海外渡航を禁止します。
Level 4: Overseas travel is prohibited.
- 海外から日本へ入国したときは、滞在国に応じて、「水際対策に係る新たな措置」で決められた期間・場所で待機してください。
When you enter Japan from overseas, please wait for the period of time and at the location specified by the ” COVID-19: Current Japanese Border Measures” according to the country where you have stayed.
- 感染の拡大状況に応じて、大学の方針が変わりますので、大学からのメールやホームページを必ずチェックしてください。
Be sure to check emails from the university and the university website updates because university policies will change based on the spread of the infection.