

らせ Notice(July 4, 2022)

The university updated the COVID-19 related information and plans.

  1. ぜんキャンパスのBCPレベルは1を継続けいぞくします。
    The BCP level for the entire campus will remain 1.
  2. 海外渡航かいがいとこうは、外務省がいむしょう設定せっていしている感染症危険かんせんしょうきけんレベルにより、つぎのとおりです。
    Overseas travel is permitted according to the infectious disease risk levels on the “MOFA’s Travel Advice and Warning on Infectious Diseases” set by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as follows.

    1. レベル1:学部長がくぶちょう研究科長けんきゅうかちょう判断はんだんにより渡航とこうみとめますが、不要不急不要不急渡航とこう観光かんこうなど)は自粛じしゅくしてください。
      Level 1: Travel is permitted at the discretion of the dean or graduate school dean, but please refrain from any unnecessary travel (e.g., sightseeing).
    2. レベル2、3:渡航とこう必要性ひつようせい渡航先とこうさき安全あんぜn確認かくにんでき、つぎ条件じょうけんたす教育研究活動きょういくけんきゅうかつどうは、許可きょかします。
      Level 2 and 3: Permission will be granted if the need for travel and the safety of the destination country can be confirmed and the following conditions are met.

      1. 学部がくぶ研究科けんきゅうか海外留学かいがいりゅうがくプログラムによる留学りゅうがくまたは私費留学しひりゅうがく
        Study abroad through an undergraduate/graduate study abroad program or privately funded study abroad
        ・The program must be an overseas study program based on an inter-university agreement on academic cooperation or other student exchange agreement.
        ・Privately-funded study abroad may also be permitted if the faculty/graduate school to which the student belongs to determines that it is equivalent to a study abroad program based on an inter-university exchange agreement.
      2. 私事渡航しじとこう
        Private travel
        ・The student himself/herself must have a strong desire to travel. (Excluding sightseeing).
        ・Permission from the student’s faculty/graduate school, consent of the guarantor, and consent of the institution to which the student will be traveling.
      3. 研究交流けんきゅうこうりゅう学会発表等がっかいはっぴょうとう
        Research Exchange, Conference Presentations

        • Those participating in research exchanges based on inter-university exchange agreements, research surveys, or participation in international academic conferences, symposiums, and research meetings.
        • Permission from the student’s faculty/graduate school, consent of the guarantor, and consent of the institution to which the student will be traveling.
    3. レベル4:海外渡航かいがいとこう禁止きんしします。
      Level 4: Overseas travel is prohibited.
  3. 海外かいがいから日本にほん入国にゅうこくしたときは、滞在国たいざいこくおうじて、「水際対策みずぎわたいさくかかあらたな措置そち」でめられた期間きかん場所ばしょ待機たいきしてください。
    When you enter Japan from overseas, please wait for the period of time and at the location specified by the ” COVID-19: Current Japanese Border Measures” according to the country where you have stayed.

  4. 感染かんせん拡大状況かくだいじょうきょうおうじて、大学だいがく方針ほうしんわりますので、大学だいがくからのメールやホームページをかならずチェックしてください。
    Be sure to check emails from the university and the university website updates because university policies will change based on the spread of the infection.