【新型コロナ関連】寄宿料補助金について/Housing Aid from Tokushima University


Housing Aid from Tokushima University (Application is open from November 7)

The university sent an email announcement regarding the Tokushima University Housing Aid to the students’ c-account addresses on November 7. This is a financial aid for students who have been financially affected by the spread of COVID-19. Please carefully read the requirements below. If you falls under any of the following, please complete and submit your online application form at the URL indicated on the email.

1.対象者たいしょうしゃ/Eligible Students

a student who has received funds (100,000 yen (or 200,000 yen for tax-exempt households)) as the emergency student support handout under the government’s support program, “Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies” (hereinafter referred to as the “Handout for Continuing Studies”)
* “Emergency Student Support Handout for Continuing Studies” was previously announced as “ JASSO Student Support Aid” on the International Office Homepage.

a student who has not received the Handout for Continuing Studies and has been granted a tuition reduction
a student who has not received the Handout for Continuing Studies and has not been granted a tuition reduction according to the academic standards
a student who falls under none of (1) to (3) and who has received a loan under the university’s student loan system

2.補助金額ほじょきんがく/ Amount of Aid

30,000えん/30,000 yen


Application deadline: Monday, November 16, 2020

4.申請書記入例しんせいしょきにゅうれい (PDF

Example of a complete application form

If you have a question, please contact Student Support Section for International Affairs by e-mail.

Student Support Section for International Affairs(ryugakuk@tokushima-u.ac.jp)